
How Do You Use The Gift Of You?

This exciting show is a continuation of the art of connecting, with the added dimension of adding the gift of you.  We all have a gift that we came to share through the world and we are always using that gift in either one of two ways.  The way we choose to use that gift is the will determine how our lives will be.  Will we live a life full of illness, financial struggles, rough relationships… or not?  Understand we have a choice in how we choose to live our lives.  If we don’t know HOW to choose differently then…  well listen in to find out the HOW.
By |November 14th, 2008|Radio Podcast|0 Comments

The Power Of Your Gift When You Use It Through Love

The monthly teleseminar on The Choice Is Mine that was held last night was very insightful and inspiring.  The topic was about how simple it is to change your life experiences simply by using your gift (the thing you came here to share with the world) through love instead of fear.   When you use your gift through love, your frustrations disappear and you will be able to play in life.  you ust be unconditionally responsible to use your love through the gift of you, and your willingness to think differently will change how you think, believe, and feel.  How do you do this? When you become unconditionally aware of your subconscious, you will then have the ability to consciously choose to do things differently.  IT requires consistent action to permanently make the changes that will support you living a life without struggle.  Using tools that will keep you out of the illusion that you are moving forward will greatly save time.  Some of these tools include: Not judging yourself so you receive powerfully releasing feelings of being wounded uncovering hidden agendas realizing and acting upon the truth that the power of moving forward quickly is in the subtleties One of the more powerful concepts covered was that it is not about learning anything new.  It is about remembering what you already know and have inside of you. That was the basic recap.  To know more about The Choice Is Mine, sign up for their teleseminars To get the course for yourself, go to The Choice Is Mine personal development course
By |November 12th, 2008|Blog|1 Comment

To Have What You Want, You Must Take Action

I just came back from a seminar on new media. You would think that this topic is about as far away from personal development as one could be. However, what was fascinating is that as with life and the way we live life, the principles are the same for success, no matter what area you are in… Ok, it’s not THAT fascinating. It is actually pretty basic. Those people who were successful at what they were doing were passionate and loved what they were doing. One of the more poignant moments during the event was at the end of the seminar where they had the big wigs on the panel sharing the secrets of their success. Their jobs didn’t feel like work to them. One of them even said that she would still do what she was doing even if she didn’t get paid. I would say that is true success…. When you do what you love and are able to earn enough to have the life you want to live. That IS true success! It is very possible to open yourself up to be able to live the life you love. However I believe that if there are subconscious beliefs you have that are keeping you from doing that, you will struggle until you become aware of what those subconscious beliefs are, and you will then be able to do something about them so your subconscious CAN support what it is you want in your life. And that brings us back to the title. All of the panelists and even everyone who presented said take action. Don’t fall into the analysis paralysis, and […]
By |November 10th, 2008|Blog|2 Comments

Personal Responsibility and Your Role in Society

This powerful radio show discusses an additional component to the art of connecting.  This component is personal responsibility and the importance of being the power of who you are.  When you are in the power of who you are, you have the ability to affect your world because no one else can do it for us.  Listen into this insightful show and get a deeper understanding of this subject.

The Day After The Election and a Reflection

Well now that the election is over with and we have our new commander in chief, I would like to reflect upon what we must keep in mind and keep focused about.  This blog and the material in The Choice Is Mine is all about being unconditionally responsible for your thoughts, words, actions and emotions.   To be unconditionally responsible means you hold yourself accountable to these things without judging yourself.  If you had an emotional outburst, or did something to someone that wasn’t truly kind, then you do what you can to rebalance the situation without judging yourself, the situation or the other person.  “It is what it is” and move forward from that point on, because each moment is a new experience and each moment, you have the opportunity to do things differently. It also means that we are the creators of our experiences and we don’t hold others accountable for the way our lives are.  If we don’t like the way things have turned out in our lives, we turn inwards for the answers and not outwards.  It doesn’t mean that we do it all by ourselves, because we are all interconnected, yet it does mean that we are responsible for bringing to us the help that is required in whatever way, shape and form it comes in. How does this relate to the election?  Well we as a nation have chosen a path that requires us to be unconditionally responsible for our lives, or we loose any constructive change that we were all so desperately looking for.  Our choice requires us to be responsible for the way this country is being run and not follow like sheep.  Our choice requires us to be […]
By |November 6th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

The Art of Connecting – A Deeper Understanding

Here is the follow up from last weeks show. In this episode, Veronique continues the conversation on the art of connecting. Asking questions – Understand the situation by asking questions instead of assuming. Finding a common ground – what topics do you have in common? continue to nurture the commonness between you, because we all passion the same thing really. Complement – we do more for those who appreciate us. We should realize that everyone wants to have results and to do the best they can do. The best way they can be supported is to allow them to be responsible for what they are responsible for. Hold them to their word. Not only is this applicable to the other person but it is applicable to yourself as well and as such, includes self talk. So don’t berate yourself, however just allow yourself to be accountable. Listen to the show and get more detail on these concepts. When you are done, go to The Choice Is Mine and invest in a copy for yourself. You will receive even more insights from these shows.

The Illusion of Self Sabotage

How many times have you heard someone say “I am always sabotaging myself!”  Not only have I heard it many times from others, but I have also said it myself.  That was until I was exposed to a powerful new way of thinking that allowed me to see the huge illusion of that whole way of thinking.  There really is no such thing as self-sabotage. The definition of sabotage from the dictionary is:  “Any undermining of a cause, or priority”.  So the definition of self-sabotage would be, “Any undermining of your own cause or priority.”  For the purpose of this article, we will talk about our highest priority in the moment.  Another concept will need to be mentioned before I bring this all home.  This concept is that in each and every moment, we are always creating and experiencing our highest priority.  Each and every moment is a manifestation of what we subconsciously want to create in our lives whether we are aware of this or not. You may say “Hey, wait a minute, I just had a horrible, terrible experience in my life, so why on earth would I even want to create that in my life?”  I am not minimizing the scope or the intensity of your experience in any way.  I am sharing that experience created an end result.  Without judging the experience or the end result, ask yourself what did you receive from that experience?  We all have experiences in our lives in order to receive something.  It may not be obvious in the moment, but we did receive something.  And in that moment and time of the experience, you’re highest priority was to receive what the experience created for […]
By |October 29th, 2008|Blog|1 Comment

Grounding The Insights We Receive

In the first part of this multi part episode, Veronique discusses the importance of moving beyond the A-HA moments that we have.  When we discover something about ourselves, it’s not enough to just become aware of it, although that is an important part.  If we don’t ground something different into our psyche, we will continue to swirl around the ah ha’s again and again, and we wonder why we never continue to move forward. Listen into this powerful episode on how we can ground these a ha moments into our lives.

Eliminating The Barriers To Your Achievement

In this episode of the show, we discuss what the barriers to acheivement are and how to eliminate them. The barriers to overcome, or making sure you have in place so they don’t become barriers include: 1) matching authority to responsibility 2) being decisive 3) being a resource provider It doesn’t matter how big or small your goals are, you won’t be able to achieve them when you have these barriers in place. Listen in for how you can overcome these barriers.

Keeping a Positive Outlook In This Economy…

The news from Wall Street and the Financial industry is not very promising.  If we are not conscious and diligent, it can lead to stress and cause us to fall into the energy of despair and hopelessness. As in the law of attraction; what you put out is what you get back. So how do you continue to put out abundance, ease and wealth during these times without diluting your constructive energy by falling back into the hopeless feelings and erasing your desired outcomes?  Why is it even important to stay in a positive and empowered space?  Will it even make a difference? You cannot solve a problem at the same level the problem was created. Raising your level of energy will allow you to not get caught up in what is going on with our economy and will allow you to steer your way through without falling into loss, lack and illness. On Tuesday October 14th at 8:00pm EST, we will have a teleseminar where we will go over some of the tools that you can use to keep your perspective so that you can continue to manifest abundance no matter what the economy is doing.  With some simple tools and a powerful system, you will discover just how easy it is to consciously influence your life no matter what is going on. Sign up and reserve your spot at The Choice Is Mine Spaces are limited.
By |October 7th, 2008|Blog|5 Comments