
Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

Here is a New Year’s Resolution…. All my New Year’s Resolutions are going to stick this year! How is that for a resolution? So what is the cause that so many of our resolutions don’t stick? We are approaching it from the outside in instead of the inside out. What the heck does that mean? Say our resolution is to double our income on the Internet. If our belief system is such that we limit ourselves to only a certain level of success, then it doesn’t matter how hard or long we work, we will only be able to give ourselves so much success. So HOW do we discover these beliefs? How do we see the grains of sand in the engine that while they are incredibly small, they create a huge effect in the performance of the engine. It’s not the big stuff that trips us up… It’s the little stuff. The things so small and so subtle that you don’t even know they are actually pushing away what you want to create. HOW do we become aware of these thoughts and beliefs so we can turn them around and actually create lasting change? There is a new ebook available called Illusion that really gives the reader a great insight on what we do to keep ourselves back. The thing is that most of the stuff we do we think is absolutely normal in our lives, but it really isn’t. Struggle and strife really aren’t a part of life when we become clear in our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions. This ebook describes exactly HOW we can tell when we are holding ourselves back […]
By |January 10th, 2009|News|0 Comments

The Power Of Your Intuition – It Can Save You A World Of Struggle

We are all born with a guidance system that steers us around the rocks and the troubled waters that lie in our path and it is powerful and perfect in it’s ability to support us in living a life of grace and ease.  How many people do you know that you don’t think are all that “intelligent” who seem to be “lucky” at the right place and time?  Their lives just seem to work and for the life of you, you can’t figure out why! Well, that is the answer…  they aren’t figuring anything out.  They are using their intuition to guide them because they have found over the years that using their intuition brings them better results than using their brain.  Even if they are not conscious of this.  If many of the millionaires had used their intuition, they may not have got caught up in the Maddoff scandal.  Their intuition would have told them not to invest…. Even if it was through another company that ended up investing with Maddoff’s fund. Listen in to HOW your intuition keeps you out of trouble and HOW you can rely on it more and more.

A Happy Holiday Broadcast The End of 2008 and the Beginning of 2009

Intending 2009 to be the best year ever!  With the Holiday Season here and 2009 moments away, we are spending a lot of time with our relatives.  We have the ultimate ability to influence how our experience will be.  One way to do this is to assume the very best intentions with any interaction you have with anyone.  Remember, you are setting the energy for any interaction that you want to be true.  Assume and really stand in the knowing that you can create the very best intentions of any upcoming interaction.  Really bring forward within yourself the excellence of inspiring yourself of what you love to live vs. what you are currently living right now. Listen in for more inspiring and powerful tips. Remember, it is great to get AHA’s, but if you are truly committed to making a difference in your life, the only way you can do that is to take action. I can’t recommend enough how easy it is to do that through the tools found in THE CHOICE IS MINE.
By |December 31st, 2008|Radio Podcast|0 Comments

You Are Responsible For Creating What You Truly Want

We have more influence over our lives than we give ourselves credit for.  What keeps us back and holds us down are the subtle beliefs and thoughts.  As the saying goes, “when you take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves.”  Get out of the illusion that you give your power away to another.  It is all about how you use your power. Listen in to this powerful episode to learn how to turn things around.
By |December 26th, 2008|Radio Podcast|1 Comment

The Subtleties and How They Hold Us Back And Keep Us Down

I have to catch up on posting the shows here.  I’ll do double time this week.  This show is about how the subtleties hold us back and keep us down.  It’s not about the big things that knock us on our butt.  It’s about the small things that are so subtle, that we have NO idea that the are even affecting us.  This is what makes the difference between creating and creating powerfully and quickly what it is that we want, or love in our lives.  It’s the subtle judgments that we have with ourselves that create a huge difference in what we create in our lives.  How do you know when you have a subtle judgment?  If there is any kind of resistance to looking and communicating the truth in any way, then you have a subtle judgment.  The truth WILL set you  free.  Free of loss, lack, illness and struggle. Listen in for a powerful show.
By |December 24th, 2008|Radio Podcast|0 Comments

So You’re In Illusion? How Do You Get Out Of It?

This week’s episode of the radio show talks about how the tools you can use to get you out of illusion. One important tool is taking action. Take an action that will keep you in the reality of what is actually occurring and not what you THINK is occurring because you are projecting your beliefs onto the situation.

The Choice Is Mine Course The Ultimate BREAKTHROUGH Beta Study Enrichment Program

There is some great, great news.  There is a unique one of a kind beta study training that is being offered.  First, let me tell you about the training.  There is only enough room for 60 people to participate in this revolutionary training that will absolutely turn the personal growth industry on it’s head.  This specialized training, developed by Veronique, will absolutely do to personal growth, what the Internet has done to the way we communicate.  It is also like the Internet was in the early days.  You had to experience the Internet to truly understand what it could do…. and even then, you didn’t understand it all.  You just knew it worked, and you used it. The Choice Is Mine is a personal transformation system that works the same way.  It just works when you use it.  You don’t have to understand it, or learn anything complicated, or even look at yourself as having done anything ‘wrong’.  All you have to do is read, that’s it, and you will move faster in your growth than you could have ever imagined. Starting on Jan 12th, there will be a 4 month training class that will be given to those who have purchased The Choice Is Mine for only $65.  That is $2240 worth of training for only $65!  This class will allow you to move even faster than just using the course because you will be working directly with Veronique.  If you want to take the class, all you have to do in order to be eligible is to purchase a course for yourself, which you can do when you purchase the training. These spots will go fast because if you are looking for something to keep […]
By |November 30th, 2008|News|0 Comments

The Art of Connecting and Illusion

This week’s show is really from last week and we are catching up.  In this show, Veronique talks about how we enter into illusion when we are dealing with another individual.  This show has some very powerful tips about how to tell when you are in illusion when you are interacting with others and how to bring yourself out of the illusion.  You will be able to interact with people on a more empowered level.
By |November 29th, 2008|Radio Podcast|0 Comments

Is There Really A Trade-Off Between Personal Freedom And Social Responsibility?

There are a few articles on the trade-offs between personal freedom and social responsibility, which state that one must compromise between the two.  The more personal freedoms you have, the less socially responsible you are, and the more socially responsible you are, the less personal freedom you have.  In reality, it is actually the complete opposite.  The MORE personal freedom you have, the MORE socially responsible you are.  In fact, it is your personal duty to live as freely as you choose. How is this so you may ask?  It comes down to a change in the paradigm of how we view our place in the world we live in.  The paradigm used for this article is found in the cutting-edge personal transformational course, The Choice Is Mine.  One of the principles of this course states, “if it is honestly good for you, then it is honestly good for me”.   Using this principle, we can conclude that when you are unconditionally living the life you love, you are contributing to society at the highest level you can.  What can honestly be better for you than living what you love?  When you are living what you love, all those around you will benefit. Living what you love is the highest form of personal freedom.  When you are living what you love, you are being your true self and you are giving the gifts you were meant to share in this lifetime.  Just think of how sad is the situation where an individual isn’t living their life, but the life they think they should be living because of familial or societal self-induced pressures.  How sad is it that no one in this individual’s life gets to experience the […]
By |November 19th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

This summer I read the personal development course The Choice Is Mine

I ran across this posting that I hadn’t posted yet.  So I thought I would post it! One of the most powerful things about this course is that if focuses on the subtleties on how to create the life you love.  This course is so effective, that I have seen everyone who goes through this course receive their highest priority.  It has allowed me to get my life back and to be able to be who I really am, and not who I thought I was supposed to be because others thought I should be that.  What I love the most is the understandings it has given me about myself and how I create my life.  This course taught me how to create my life through the love that already exists within me, so I can live what I love.  All there is, is love, and everything else is really the illusion we choose to carry along like old broken luggage. I feel as if this is the next generation of personal development because of how effective it is.  In fact, the author is in India right now because she was asked to share The Choice Is Mine with the Dalai Lama in a private audience. After reading this course, I have come to the understanding that: 1) We are supposed to have an ego 2) We already have everything we need to know and there is nothing to learn, only to remember 3) There is no such thing as self-sabotage because we are always supporting our highest priority 4) There is nothing to fix, we are already in our perfection in each and every moment 5)  Being unconditionally responsible for who we are. These are just a few of the things.  I […]
By |November 16th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments