What Kind Of Reality Do You Truly WANT To Experience?
I was recently in a conversation with several people who had their own ideas of how the world should be (don’t we all have our own opinions on that topic?) The thing that struck me was no matter how opposite the ideas were, everyone focused on what upset them the most instead of what they wanted. I communicated with there was a way to approach having what you wanted with much less struggle. This is what the basis of this article is about and I will describe it from the point of view of energy, as we are energetic beings and are affected by energy.
1) There are only 2 states of being in which we can exist Love or Anger
Most of us see Love or Anger as an emotion, however it is really a state of being. These states of being produce numerous thoughts, which create the emotions within us, which affect how we interact with the world and how the world interacts with us. For instance, those that are in the state of being of Love, feel emotions of feeling joy, happiness, contentment, confidence, well-being, empathy, altruism, selflessness, gratitude & optimism among others. Those that are in the state of being of Anger feel emotions of rage, frustration, jealousy, helplessness, fear, depression, hate, selfishness, judgement, shame, guilt, blame & vengeance among others.
Why is it important to not only understand this, but to know where you are throughout the day? Because how you choose to exist (Love or Anger) will determine what you are thinking and ultimately projecting out into he world around you and how others & situations respond to you. Science has been able […]