
The 12 Keys To Getting What You Want In Your Life

These 12 keys are vital to being able to change conditional thoughts in to unconditional thoughts. The way these keys are used is whenever you experience any upset throughout your day, you intuitively pick one of these keys and repeat it over and over again until the emotion you are experiencing with the upset dissipates. To find more information about how to use the keys and more description and meaning behind them, go to The Choice Is Mine. First Key: Knowing the Pure and Divine Ego Second Key: The Distinction Between Being your true ’Self ’ & the Responsibility of being the true ‘Self.’ Third Key: Remember What I Have Forgotten Within Myself and I Have no Life Lessons Forth Key: What Is Honestly Good for Me, Is Honestly Good for You – We are One Fifth Key: The Reflection of Self from Others Sixth Key: True Inner Intent Always Equals Outcome Seventh Key: No Right or Wrong, No Lesser or greater Simply, ‘It Is What It Is’ Eighth Key: Look for the Purpose; Look for the Good Ninth Key: Be Light Hearted in Everything I Do Because it is in the Love of Me Tenth Key: Apply Each of the Keys to Life Consistently and Repeatedly Eleventh Key: Using My free will through Unconditional Love and Responsibility, Blessings are Endless. Twelfth Key: I am the creator of my thoughts, feelings, actions, and ultimately my experiences. copyright 2008 Veronique
By |April 26th, 2008|Blog|1 Comment

I Am That I Am – Really, The Reflection of Self From Others

I was reading another persons blog today and they spoke about an incident she had with another person… Apparently the other person was rather irate with her and wasn’t willing to solve the problem through discussion.  As she was reflecting on this incident, she related to the moses code “I am that, I am”, and how she was able to say that she was this person and had been this person several times in her life.  She said this allowed her to see the other person with more compassion because she has been in their place before. I would like to take that a step further….  Life is a reflection of you, just as others are.  When you are experiencing anything from another person, they are a mirror to what is going on within yourself.  At that moment, you can choose to be unconditionally responsible for what you are putting out into the world (see that the other person is really reflecting what is going on within yourself), or put it all on the other person. This point of view empowers you because it allows you to see where you are being conditional in your life, and you now have the awareness, and thus power to change it into something that will be more supportive of what you want in your life.  Does it mean being a doormat for others to spew all over you?  No, everyone has to be responsible for their actions, but it does mean that you have to see what it is that you are putting out into the world, and how you are being in the world, if you want to be  unconditionally responsible and live as a conscious and abundant […]
By |April 24th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Resistance and the law of attraction

What you resist persists. That is true in all areas of our lives including emotions. When we are resisting an emotion, we enable it to get stronger and stronger. The need at allow it to pass without resistance becomes important or we will recreate the emotion again. clipped from When experiencing a negative emotion, recognize it is an opportunity to grow into observing that emotion and avoid fuel ing that energy. Let fear, anger or whatever you are feeling that is negative fade by allowing the energy of your true being to flow. Taking a deep breath and on the exhale say I Am That and on the inhale say I Am and add peace, joy, gratitude or another attribute of our true self that is perfect for the moment. For example: I Am That, I Am grateful I Am That, I Am prosperous […]
By |April 22nd, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Beginning At Our Core

The next episode of The Choice Is Mine radio show talks about beginning at our core. This is where the personal journey begins. We cannot have an outside fix to an inside problem. It’s about finding the love that we have within ourselves and reconnecting ourselves with that love. You will also learn how our perception of love keeps us from that.

Knowing the Pure and Divine Ego ——– How the Ego Relates to our Everyday Life

Written by B. Davis Although this article is available to anyone, yet only those who have purchased THE CHOICE IS MINE 2 volume course can really relate to it in an more empowering way. The reason is they know and have read these keys and now just are requiring a few ideas to apply them to their own lives. We again would strongly encourage all to purchase this course and really be able to participate and get something stronger out of these articles. Although Veronique’s words are strong and THE CHOICE IS MINE is a innovative and powerful tool to help guide all of you in the everlasting and abundance-filled life, these articles will not be her words, but a relational tool to help you better understand how to conquer her strength. Each article will pertain to a different key and will help you walk through the steps of completing THE CHOICE IS MINE, and either enhancing or beginning your new life today. One of the groundbreaking factors THE CHOICE IS MINE brings to its readers, are the Twelve Keys. Each Key represents something that we are subconsciously aware of in life, but not really fully consciously aware of. For example, we may realize we do certain things to others or to ourselves, but we never really realize how much these things can affect our lives. One of these “things” in particular is our ego. The first Key that Veronique talks about is called “Knowing the Pure and Divine Ego.” Veronique translates this into “How I see the completeness of me by knowing and allowing self wholly to enable yourself to graciously serve others.” This relates to argumentation put on within our egos and us. […]
By |April 20th, 2008|Articles|0 Comments

Knowing Your True Self

This radio session, Veronique has a guest spot where she discusses the responsibility of being your true self as well as the joy of knowing your true self. Listen in to this episode of the podcast and discover another key of remembering your love. To get this knowledge for yourself, you can go to The Choice Is Mine and begin your personal transformation today.

Author of The Choice Is Mine Personal Development Course On a Guest Radio Show Spot

Veronique, the creator of the groundbreaking course, “The Choice Is Mine”, will have a guest spot on the radio tomorrow Wednesday, April 16 th at 9:40 mountain time on KVSP radio station.  She will be sharing powerful insights into what holds us back from achieving the abundance in the universe that is our birthright.  Join us and listen in live at and catch our podcast of this show and all other shows.  You can subscribe to our podcast with this link, or you can subscribe using your favorite reader with the links on the right side of this page. For more information on The Choice Is Mine, you can check out this personal transformation course and get a deeper understanding of the material.
By |April 16th, 2008|News|0 Comments

New Radio Show to Empower Those To Thrive in a Sluggish Economy

    Orlando, FL — Fact: Billionaire US investor Warren Buffett said that the American economy was already in a recession. This places special meaning and importance to anyone who is affected by the economy.  Let’s face it, in today’s economic environment, the standard means of keeping our head above the water just won’t cut it if we want to do more than barely survive.  We need something new and something different. Veronique, founder and CEO of Veronique Inc and Enlightened Heart Foundation is providing just this.  Veronique now has a radio show airing on WWNN that deals with teaching individuals, organizations, and schools how to weather the current conditions and come out on top, as well as gives them the inspiration to know they have the choice and the power to rise above their status quo.     “…I have spent over 20 year in the personal growth industry and I have even taught classes myself on personal growth and development. When I first heard about Veronique’s course, I thought ‘What could I possibly learn from this class?’ Did I ever get the answer after the class was over. In a matter of weeks, I discovered what it was that was holding me back and keeping be down. I am now a successful published author and I can say it was all because of the powerful perception of love I learned in her beta class which allowed me to choose differently .” – Debra Gano – Author of Beauty’s Secret On Thursday, March 17, the radio show made its debut, on WWNN live from 3:00 to 3:30pm, and will also be available via podcast at as well as via webcast at Her show will also air again on […]
By |April 14th, 2008|News|0 Comments

Self Esteem vs. The Esteemed Self

If we to choose to separate and divide ourselves and our consciousness with such words as ‘high self esteem’ and ‘low self esteem’ and we continue to choose to layer ourselves with these types of words in an effort to identify ourselves to seek, to find or discover worth outside of ourselves, then this is only going to continue the separation of self with confusion.  And in confusion it’s hard to remember that your worth comes from unconditionally and responsibly being yourself.  Listen to the podcast for more on how using the very terms themselves self esteem vs the esteemed self, can have an impact on how we live our lives.

Another Comment on The Moses Code Movie

This clip is from an article by Wendy Garrett and her comments on The Moses Code. She made a comment about what exists with us and I would like to expand on that. clipped from As as an Intuitive, I call it birthing. You cannot create that which does not exist within you. That statement levels no judgment. We create all that we can envision and all that which we can elevate our ability to fathom; and from that ensuing creation and mis-creation, we all evolve.
By |April 11th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments