
Personal Development Tip – The Meaning of Can’t

What does can’t really mean? Can’t is actually not found in the dictionary, but it is used in our language on a daily basis. How many times do you use the word can’t? How many times do you say can’t during the day? When do you say it? Why do you say it? When you think about it, ‘can’t’ is a very safe word that keeps us in our comfort zone. When we say ‘can’t’ we are saying “doing this will take me out of my comfort zone and I am not willing to step outside of my comfort zone at this time.” It is a subtle, yet very powerful way that shapes our lives and keeps us in the illusion that we are not responsible for the outcome of our lives. Listen to this recording of the word can’t and what it means.
By |June 24th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Are You Living Your Life and Personal Developent Training.

I had a conversation with someone earlier today about living our lives and some of the things that we have experienced in our past. One of the things that she was stating was that the reason why she was struggling for the past 5 years was because she wasn’t living her life. It was a struggle for her because she had to spend so much time in her head trying to figure out the things she needed to do to live a life that wasn’t hers. That got me to thinking…. Am I living my life? I then asked myself, if there was no societal or parental pressure, what would I be doing with my life? I had to answer truthfully, that it wouldn’t be what I am doing now. I realized that is why I am struggling in my life is because I am also spending a lot of time in my head trying to “figure it out”.  The things that come easily, naturally and joyfully to me aren’t the things I am doing to make a living, or expressing myself.  Because I can pick up things quickly, and my IQ is on the high side of average, I am able to make it work.  And for me, I think  that was the thing that took it so long for me to realize that I wasn’t living my life, because I was making what I had “work”. That is the crux of things.  Is what you are doing now making the life you are living “work”? You are able to be somewhat successful, but you have to put a lot of effort into it.  You have fallen […]
By |June 17th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Using Your Intuition – The Subtlety of Manifesting Your Dreams

In this episode of the show, we cover the subtleties that we overlook when we are using the law of attraction and how these subtleties really make the difference if we want to manifest quickly.  In this episode, we cover the intuition and the role it plays in being able to live a life of grace, ease and abundance.

The Subtleties of Our Intuiton

I attended a teleseminar the other day, and it was basically about the intuition and how it is really the guidance system we should be paying attention to, and not our mind.  The subtle understanding of the intuition is that it is completely unconditional.  As a result, following our intuition will never lead us to experience loss, lack or illness because when we make decisions and live from an unconditional mindset, or beingness, we are not pushing away abundance by living through fear.   The simple physics of it is that no two things can occupy the same place at the same time, so we are either being unconditional in the moment or conditional in the moment. One of the things that was mentioned on the teleseminar is that sometimes people feel that they have followed their intuition and it got them into trouble.  The presenter explained that if whatever feeling you followed, you ended up with some sort of loss or struggle, then it wasn’t your intuition, but some conditional based feeling that you were following.  The intuition doesn’t come from an emotional place, so if you are experiencing any kind of emotional jolt with whatever feeling comes up, then you can pretty much bet that it isn’t your intuition.  That is a pretty powerful subtlety that makes all of the difference in the world when it comes to knowing when it is your intuition and when it isn’t. This is just the tip of the iceberg.  To go much deeper, it is explained much better in TCIM.
By |June 13th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

What Kind Of Creators Are We?

The upcoming teleseminar generated a small discussion in a personal development forum. It was about one of the submitted questions that was answered prior to the teleseminar. One part of the answer caught the attention of someone which was: We never create what doesn’t in some way serve our highest priority. This answer was in response to someone asking how they could create $7000 by June 15th. Well, if we are the creators of our experiences, then why would we create a situation that would put us in the hole for $7000? I mean, who enjoys that? Why not just create a situation that you don’t need that amount of money so quickly, or that you already have it in your bank account? The importance of this answer is that for some reason and purpose, the situation was created exactly as it was because the person is receiving something out of needing $7000 in less than a week. This is the key understanding when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifestation. We are ALWAYS using the Law of Attraction, and we are always attracting to us, what is our highest priority. We just may not be aware of what is our highest priority. The power of a system that allows you to know what is your highest priority, is that it very quickly uncovers what are your subconscious beliefs that are holding you back. The power of a system such as TCIM, is that it uncovers your subconscious beliefs in a way that allows you to be unconditional with yourself. Your current highest priority is your current […]
By |June 9th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Radio Show Episode – Connecting With Your Intuition, and the Power of Your Intuition

This radio show covers another of the powerful keys that turn conditional thoughts into unconditional thoughts. “Remember What I Have Forgotten Within Myself and I Have No Life Lessons”. This key is about getting back to allowing your intuition to guide you instead of your mind. Our mind was never supposed to figure out how we should live to get what it is that we want. It is our intuition that allows us to go through life through grace, ease and abundance. Join us on June 10th for a free teleseminar on this same subject. You will be able to ask questions and get answers. Register this teleseminar on intuition here

What Is Karma and How Does Karma Fit Into My Life?

I was recently on a forum where someone was asking about karma and what is it exactly.  They gave an example of person A taking $5 from them and then they took $5 from person B, how does that work in the karmic bank so to speak.  Karma is a very interesting subject that can be quite confusion.  First Karma is not about keeping a balance sheet.  It is a pact we make with ourselves to show us when we are creating from love or creating from fear.  This is a great excerpt from the personal development course The Choice Is Mine that describes it in wonderfully. “….What I have discovered over time is, Karma/dharma is really you. You holding you back until you choose to look at and experience life by being love instead of being fear-conditional. Until you get that, you will continue to repeat, fear-based conditional experiences as you hold yourself back repeating what you choose to repeat until you allow love to be your guide instead of attempting to control and manipulate your experiences through conditional fear-based choices. ….” This makes sense when you look at how some people can do the same thing and have very different outcomes.  It is  because karma takes into account the intent of the action.  If the intent is fear based, you will experience karma through loss, lack and illness.  If the intent was based on love, you will experience karma through grace, ease and abundance. So what about the case of what happened to Jesus Christ?  The Choice Is Mine can explain it much better than I could.
By |June 5th, 2008|Blog|1 Comment

How would you like to speed up your personal growth?

The Choice Is Mine, an out-of-this-world personal development system is giving a teleseminar Tuesday June 10th at 8:00pm eastern time, on one of the tools in the personal development system, that discusses how we can speed up our own personal growth. The topic of the teleseminar is: Remember what I have forgotten within myself and I have no life lessons. This concept is interesting because it basically says that we already have everything in us that we require. It’s just a matter of pulling it out of ourselves. Think of the energy and time that can save us!  It also makes me wonder if the experiences we put ourselves through is not really about learning at all, but remembering, and we are just in the illusion that we are learning!  Hmm… This would be just cutting out the “middle-man” so to speak! For those of you who are interested, you can reserve your spot online. Spaces are limited. The concepts in this material are very new and come from a fresh perspective. A perspective that is very effective in assisting you in moving past what blocks you and quickly. Register for free at: The Choice Is Mine Training Teleseminar
By |June 4th, 2008|Blog|0 Comments

Accelerated Personal Development… Just Remember What We Have Forgotten

We feel we need to go through lesson after lesson after life lesson in order to grow, or to gain insights so we can become more conscious.  Each lesson takes us closer to the insights that we feel we need to learn to get to that next step.  However, we have forgotten that we already have all of that insight, and knowledge within us already.  It isn’t a matter of going through lesson after lesson.  It is just a matter  of allowing ourselves to remember what it is that we have forgotten.  We don’t require life lessons when all we need to do is allow our intuition to come online and connect us with that inner knowledge. The energy it takes to allow is much lower than the energy to learn, especially if it is done through going through experience after experience after experience.
By |June 2nd, 2008|Blog|3 Comments

Our Perception Of Love – The Spice That Flavors Our Life

This weeks radio show blog is a powerful one in the sense that it gives you the basic understanding of what it is that makes us tick….  How we perceive our world.  The perception of love is our belief of what we need to do in order to give or receive love, however untrue it is, this is what causes us to operate in the way that we operate.  It is very powerful and can explain why some people seem to easily allow abundance into their lives while others struggle endlessly.  The good news is that you can break free of your perception of love and learn to live differently!  Listen in on the show for more!