How many times have you heard someone say “I am always sabotaging myself!” Not only have I heard it many times from others, but I have also said it myself. That was until I was exposed to a powerful new way of thinking that allowed me to see the huge illusion of that whole way of thinking. There really is no such thing as self-sabotage.
The definition of sabotage from the dictionary is: “Any undermining of a cause, or priority”. So the definition of self-sabotage would be, “Any undermining of your own cause or priority.” For the purpose of this article, we will talk about our highest priority in the moment. Another concept will need to be mentioned before I bring this all home. This concept is that in each and every moment, we are always creating and experiencing our highest priority. Each and every moment is a manifestation of what we subconsciously want to create in our lives whether we are aware of this or not.
You may say “Hey, wait a minute, I just had a horrible, terrible experience in my life, so why on earth would I even want to create that in my life?” I am not minimizing the scope or the intensity of your experience in any way. I am sharing that experience created an end result. Without judging the experience or the end result, ask yourself what did you receive from that experience? We all have experiences in our lives in order to receive something. It may not be obvious in the moment, but we did receive something. And in that moment and time of the experience, you’re highest priority was to receive what the experience created for […]
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