The 2009 ISSSEEM conference was indeed an interesting event. I spent a lot of time volunteering for the event at the bookstore and had a chance to briefly speak to many of the presenters. I was also able to attend the round table community discussion on the 29th with Deepak Chopra, Rustum Roy and Nisha Money. This was a very interesting event because the discussion was about consciousness and how to raise the consciousness of the planet.
The thing that I realized the most was that I realized that through studying The Choice Is Mine over the last 2 years gave me a certain understanding of consciousness. The basic discourse during the discussion was that all of our experiences, whether it be events, or objects, exixt purely in our consciousness. The understanding developed from The Choice Is Mine is that we can change our experience, or reality at the snap of a finger because our reality exists in our consciousness. If we don’t do it, it isn’t because we can’t, it’s because there is something that we are receiving out of what we are currently experiencing. The quickest way to change it is to not judge what we are currently experiencing and allow ourselves to get out of the experience what we created to give ourselves. The more we resist our creations, the more they persist and true change cannot take place.
So out of this whole event, I got a true understanding of that concept. It moved from a knowing to a being. Very, very powerful stuff! The allowance of all things has taken a major shift. The first thing I noticed is some physical effects. Some chronic pains began reducing once I really began […]