
Are You Ready To Weather The Economy?

Today’s show is about you weathering the state of the economy.  Take command of your thoughts, words, actions and have the will behind it and have a positive mindset so that nothing can touch you.

The Choice Is Mine gives you the ability to reprogram what it is that you want to have in your life.

You can give  yourself the ability to be at the head of your life.  Don’t be a worry wart, or a poor me or an excuse to not use your love as the source to all wealth.

The source that lives within you that positions you so that you can live your love and you can have whatever it is you want by being unconditionally.  Listen in to the rest of the show so you can hear the rest of the show for yourself.

Economic Woes Cause Women To Feel Disempowered

…But that is not all!  In an article from the Associated Press, there is a growing trend the women who are experiencing harder times due to the economy, are resorting to working in the adult entertainment industry.  Even though the adult entertainment industry is also experiencing some effects from the economy, women can still earn a decent living by going topless.

What does this have to do with the topic of this blog?  It is about personal empowerment.  Looking at this trend unconditionally, without judging, are the women who are taking these jobs?  The come from all kinds of backgrounds and are willing to drastically change their job.  Are they truly empowering themselves?

Well, if they are working in the industry for the pure joy of it and they feel energized, empowered, and it is something they would do without pay, then they are in the joy of what they are doing, and they are empowering themselves.

If the women feel any form of judgement, blame, guilt or shame with their new profession, even if they are able to numb themselves to their own feelings, then they are dis-empowering themselves.  It doesn’t matter if it is “against” societies rules.  If you are truly in the joy of what you are doing, and it is what you came here to do, there is nothing external  that can make you feel any different.  If there is something external that has made you feel any different, then that feeling already resides within you.

This is why it is important now more than ever, for people to be able to empower themselves if they so choose and to not fall into the illusion that the economy is going to determine what kind […]

By |March 27th, 2009|Blog|1 Comment

Keeping a Positive Outlook In This Economy…

The news from Wall Street and the Financial industry is not very promising.  If we are not conscious and diligent, it can lead to stress and cause us to fall into the energy of despair and hopelessness. As in the law of attraction; what you put out is what you get back. So how do you continue to put out abundance, ease and wealth during these times without diluting your constructive energy by falling back into the hopeless feelings and erasing your desired outcomes?  Why is it even important to stay in a positive and empowered space?  Will it even make a difference?

You cannot solve a problem at the same level the problem was created. Raising your level of energy will allow you to not get caught up in what is going on with our economy and will allow you to steer your way through without falling into loss, lack and illness.

On Tuesday October 14th at 8:00pm EST, we will have a teleseminar where we will go over some of the tools that you can use to keep your perspective so that you can continue to manifest abundance no matter what the economy is doing.  With some simple tools and a powerful system, you will discover just how easy it is to consciously influence your life no matter what is going on.

Sign up and reserve your spot at The Choice Is Mine

Spaces are limited.

By |October 7th, 2008|Blog|5 Comments

How To Thrive In Today’s Economy

This last episode dealing with the ego goes into bringing it back into balance and how a balanced ego can allow us to thrive in todays economy. No matter what is going on, a balanced ego will allow us to weather the storm of any economic troubles that may be occurring in the moment.
